Project outcomes
Within the project, the consortium will produce several intellectual outputs, multiplier events and teaching, learning and training activities:
The intellectual outputs contain
- a portal on joint programmes at doctorate level,
- guidelines for developing and running such programmes (including forms and tools),
- a report of national and institutional doctorate regulations for successful cross-border collaboration in joint programmes at doctorate level,
- an analysis of experiences in international collaboration and doctoral training and,
- a student toolbox for joint programmes at the doctorate level.
- An academic paper on the added value of joint programmes at the doctoral level
During the project, two multiplier events will be organized
- How to improve doctoral training through joint programmes, and
- Maximizing mobility and collaborations by developing and running joint programmes in university networks
In terms of teaching, learning and training activities, two staff weeks, a summer school and research seminars for doctoral candidates and early career researchers will be held. The seminars will have a thematic focus on linking education and research in the fields of digital humanities, health and ageing and migration studies.