
The glossary below includes the English terms employed in the context of the LINK EDU-RES project. These terms are also used in the context of comparative report Analysing National and Institutional Doctoral Regulation. The terms are used to describe for concepts commonly used in the context of doctoral education as provided across the universities part of the YERUN Network and the countries in which they are located. The definition therefore indicates how a particular term is understood in the context of the report and the project.

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There are currently 2 terms in this directory beginning with the letter C.

Member of academic staff who supervises the work of a doctoral candidate jointly with the supervisor. May or may not be connected to the same university as the supervisor.

Joint supervision of a doctoral candidate affiliated to one university, by academics connected to one or more other universities. Contrary to a joint or double doctorate, a cotutelle ultimately results in one diploma by the university to which the candidate is primarily affiliated and in which the candidate completes doctoral research and a (joint) training programme when so required. Arguably, the term cotutelle may pose strong overlaps with that of a double doctorate. Indeed, in some Member States joint supervision leading to multiple diplomas is considered a cotutelle. For the purpose of this report, however, the distinction between a cotutelle and a double doctorate as reflected in these definitions applies.